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Digital health technology tools for brain diseases (6.30-7pm)
Dr. Irma Kurniawan
(Roche Postdoctoral Fellow)
Digital health technology tools (DHTT) are technologies such as apps, smartphones, and wearables that remotely acquire health- related information from individuals. These tools have great potential to track the development of brain diseases such as Parkinson’s disease (PD). Dr. Kurniawan will be sharing some of the efforts in the pharmaceutical industry such as Roche to develop digital tools for remote monitoring of PD. These efforts demonstrate that these digital tools can remotely, continuously and objectively monitor the progression of motor problems in patients living with PD.
Covid and the Brain (7-7.30pm)
Professor Gregor Hutter
(Research group leader, University of Basel)
Although the COVID pandemic seems over, many people still suffer from long term neurological problems. We investigated potential causes of these phenomena during the peak of the pandemic, and come up with explanations and therapeutic options.
Roche - a Story of Stubbornness and Serendipity (7.45-8.15pm)
Alexander Lukas Bieri
(Curator, The Roche Historical Collection and Archive)
By explaining the foundation and some of the scientific achievements, the presentation aims at explaining how typical characteristics from Basel helped making Roche the company it is today.
Emergency Remote Teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond (8.15-8.45pm)
Tomas Kaqinari
(Doctoral student, Institute for Educational Sciences)
In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic forced the temporary closure of universities. Hence, teaching and learning shifted from the traditional classroom environment to online space. Faculty faced the difficult task of adapting their teaching to continue the education in the universities. In this emergency, however, not all faculty were equally prepared and not everyone provided an affordance-rich online learning environment. Based on our research on this topic, I will shed some light on how universities can prepare for future emergencies and on the digital transformation of university teaching.
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