Other Fribourg events

Polymers: life in plastic, it's fantastic!

https://www.cafedesgrandplaces.ch/; IG: @cafe.des.grand.places.fribourg
Past event - 2024
Mon 13 May From 6.30 p.m.
Free entry (subject to availability)
Le Café des Grand-Places, Grand-places 12
1700, Fribourg
Did you know that what is commonly called plastic is really part of a huge family of materials termed polymers? From the houses we live in, to the food we eat, we encounter hundreds of polymers every day. Our speakers will take you through a journey of discovery of the cool applications these materials can have, from responding to stimuli to being a resource for sustainability.

Can we make plastics smart?

José Augusto Berrocal (Group Leader at Adolphe Merkle Institute (AMI) and Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ))
I will discuss a few strategies based on my research on how it is possible to create plastics that can sense their environment and change their properties in response to it.

Why biopolymers from plants will replace fossil resources

Philip Scholten (Chief Innovation Officer at Bloom Biorenewables)
Biopolymers are around us everyday: from the cotton shirts we wear, to the paper we write on or to the cork closing our wine bottles. The use of these fascinating materials has evolved in the last two decades and its key advantages of circularity, abundance, and versatility provide key incentives for its use in the chemical industry. In this presentation, the process of transforming into chemicals, materials, and plastics known from our daily life will be highlighted with a focus on innovation and sustainability.
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