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Embark on a journey from Earth to Jupiter, uncovering the science of nature and the nature of science along the way
NASA's Reise zum eisigen Ozeanmond Europa
Caroline Haslebacher
(Doktorandin an Universität Bern, Weltraumforschung und Planetologie, Physikalisches Institut)
Der Jupitermond Europa ist eine beeindruckende Eiswelt mit einem unterirdischen Wasserozean, der ihn zu einem potenziellen Ort für Leben macht. Die NASA-Sonde Galileo hat Europa aus der Nähe erforscht und dabei Fragen aufgeworfen. Schon bald, im Oktober 2024, wird die NASA eine neue, aufregende Mission zu Europa ins All senden. Ein faszinierendes Instrument an Bord ist die Kamera «Europa Imaging System» (EIS), die hochauflösende Bilder von der Oberfläche zur Erde senden und bisher unbekannte Terrains auf Europa enthüllen wird. Begleiten Sie mich auf dieser Reise zu Jupiters Eismond Europa!
Pee-sistence is Futile: Unveiling the Hilarious Secrets of UTIs and Antimicrobial Standoff
Magreth Macha
(Ph.D. Candidate at Kantonsspital St. Gallen (KSSG))
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common, but the rise of antimicrobial resistance poses a growing threat to effective treatment. UTIs, often caused by bacteria, can lead to discomfort and complications. Over-reliance on antibiotics has fueled the emergence of resistant strains, making some infections harder to treat. This amusing talk spills the beans on dealing with UTIs while addressing the serious challenge of antimicrobial resistance. Using humor, it shares tips on prevention, effective treatments, and the importance of using antibiotics wisely. From bladder battles to microbial mischief, join this laughter-filled quest to understand the quirks of UTIs with ease and a smile.
The science of science
Claudia Alarcón López
(PhD candidate at EPFL and ETHZ)
Scientists may come to our minds as people in the labs wearing white lab coats... but there is just so much more that a scientist can do! Yes, academia is one path, but we will explore the other fields in science and oscillating it as well. From science diplomacy to citizen science, this talk aims to open our perspectives on science as a whole (in a positive and negative way) using personal experiences and anecdotes as the medium. Come to discover the science of science!
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